Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Going Home...

I am dreading going home....and I am sure you all know why.

Its not that she'll kill me or cut off my arm or something, but I cannot imagine what i must endure for letting them down like this.

Some might ask, 'ki ni big deal? (What is the big deal)....So you learnt how to swim secretly....So you saved a bunch of kids from you took a job doing that part you were caught...

You didn't do anything horrible! You were not caught with a man on top of you...You did not have to confess that you were pregnant...You were not caught with weed in your purse....You were not caught dancing topless in a strip club (the catcher would also have some explaining to do, I bet)...You were not caught doing yahoo-yahoo

But there is a big deal. This is about being truthful, about being trustworthy. This is about being reliable, about being true to my word. This is about whether they can trust that whatever I say is true....

I wonder if they will ever believe me again......

And I still have to sleep in that house...Pray for me....I am going to need it.

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